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ayurvedic oil treatment

Snehan: ayurvedic oil treatment

It is no mistake that the word for “oil” and “love” are the same, sneha, in the Sanskrit language. This treatment is meant to calm and ground vata dosha (the Ayurvedic constitution composed of ethers and air), and redirect the flow of prana (life force energy) through its proper channels. In my experience, it is one of the greatest acts of self love.


Before each treatment, I will check-in with you to see how you're feeling, assess your needs and state of balance, and choose an herbal oil specific to you.


The treatment ends with facial marma therapy. Attention to these vital energy points on the face and head promotes deep relaxation and rejuvenation.


Benefits of snehan:

  • calms, relaxes, grounds

  • nourishes the body

  • gives softness and strength to the body

  • decreases the effects of aging, increases longevity

  • improves lustre of skin

  • benefits sleeping patterns

  • stimulates internal organs

  • improves circulation, memory, and vision

  • assists detoxification by removing toxins from the deeper tissues to be expelled by the GI tract

  • helps bring balance to the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems


75 mins $100


120 mins $150


*+ $20 for travel north of Moloa'a or south of Lihue


Postpartum Snehan

After giving birth, mothers experience a very delicate period of time which holds the opportunity for them to gently rebuild vitality or suffer from depletion and fatigue.


One of the best ways to rejuvenate the tissues, balance hormones, and nourish the nervous system is daily warm oil massage. Whether provided by a practitioner or loved one, or given to oneself, in my experience, recieving snehan is one of the greatest acts of self love.


Benefits of snehan specific to postpartum:

  • soothes the nervous system

  • balances hormones (increases oxytocin- the love hormone, and reduces cortisol- the stress hormone)

  • supports healthy lactation

  • reduces fatigue, increases stamina

  • tones the muscles

  • smooths and softens skin

  • stimulates internal organs, supports digestion

  • improves circulation, memory, and vision

  • nourishes and lubricates tissues, joints and muscles

  • assists gentle detoxification

  • promotes deep sleep

  • promotes longevity and decreases effects of aging

  • nourishes connection to the Divine and is a great act of self-love


75 min oil treatment with marma therapy + heat therapy + herbal sitzbath preparation

(house call) $150


self-massage instruction and 4 oz herbal oil

(add-on) $30


infant massage instruction and 4 oz herbal oil

(add-on) $50









Postpartum Snehan Packages




- daily mini-consultation


- 75 min oil treatment with facial marma therapy + heat therapy + herbal sitzbath preparation


- self-massage instruction


- infant massage instruction


- 4 oz herbal oil for self-massage and infant massage


1 day $220


3 days $500


5 days $800


Banana Leaves

 Aloha, Welcome to Island Veda 

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